Gold and silver company Nevada - Infield Minerals
Gold and silver company Nevada - Infield Minerals





  • The Kings Canyon Property is host to disseminated “Carlin-type” gold mineralization within an emerging mineral district, 30 km east of the Nevada border in western Utah
  • The Crown Zone hosts a near surface oxide gold deposit that reportedly contains an unclassified historical resource* of 6.8 million tons grading 0.030 ounces per ton (“opt”) (1.02 grams per tonne (“g/t”)) gold for >200,000 ounces, using a cut-off grade of 0.013 opt (0.44 g/t) (*see below)
  • Royal Zone drilling has outlined a mineralized footprint comparable in size to the Crown Zone; 2012 historical results include (see for Pine Cliff Energy Ltd. AIF dated January 25, 2013 and March 21, 2013):
    • 1.1 g/t gold over 33.5 m in hole KC12-17
    • 1.0 g/t gold over 27.4 m in hole KC12-19
    • 1.54 g/t gold over 30.5 m in hole KC12-22
    • 1.27 g/t gold over 21.3 m in hole KC12-23
    • 1.15 g/t gold over 27.4 m in hole KC12-24
  • Opportunity to better delineate known deposit areas and to explore the potential for expansion and new discoveries among similar host rocks


  • Location: Millard County, Utah, ~30 km east of the Nevada border
  • Access: Road accessible; highway 6/50 bisects the primary claim block
  • Tenure: 129 unpatented mining claims (~2,500 acres) and one (1) State of Utah metalliferous minerals lease (640 acres)
  • Ownership: Option to acquire 100% interest, subject to pre-existing royalties ranging 2-5%

The Kings Canyon Property is located in Millard County, Utah, within the emerging Kings Canyon mining district, and consists of approximately 2,500 acres comprising 129 unpatented mining claims and one (1) 640-acre State of Utah metalliferous minerals lease (Figure 1). The Kings Canyon mining district is situated along the edge of the upper Proterozoic rift within the U.S. Great Basin, approximately 30 km east of the Nevada border. While the district hosts numerous mineral occurrences, it has lacked the consistent and sustained exploration required to uncover the area’s full mineral potential. Through its subsidiary, Kings Canyon Gold Corp., Infield has the option to acquire 100%interest in the Kings Canyon Property, subject to pre-existing royalties ranging 2-5%.

Figure 1: Kings Canyon property map showing the primary claim block


  • 1980 –1989: 18 drill holes by Battle Mountain Gold (2,347 m)
  • 1990 –1992: 151 RC drill holes (>23,000 m) by Crown Resources and Centurion Mines; Polygonal resource model
  • 2006: Kinross acquires Crown Resources; Maestro Ventures options the core Crown claims and surrounding property
  • 2007: 5core holes (463 m) drilled by Maestro Ventures
  • 2008: 10 RC holes (974 m) drilled by Maestro Ventures
  • 2012: Geomark acquires the property and drills 46 RC holes (6,346 m); Geomark is acquired by Pine Cliff Energy
  • 2013: Geomark/Pine Cliff drills 45 RC holes (5,218 m); Pine Cliff shuts down its mining department to focus on oil & gas
  • The Kings Canyon project remained dormant in an oil& gas company’s portfolio as a non-core asset from 2013 until Infield acquired the option in 2024


Gold at the Property occurs as disseminated, Devonian carbonate-hosted mineralization, analogous to the “Carlin-type” deposits, that are well documented throughout northern and central Nevada, as well as western Utah. The Kings Canyon Property is host to two known oxide gold mineralized zones: the Crown Zone and the Royal Zone, which have been outlined by more than 200 historical drill holes.

The Crown Zone has been explored since at least the late 1980s and hosts a near surface oxide gold deposit with a strike length of approximately 800 m (Figure 2). The zone reportedly contains an unclassified historical resource* of 6.8 million tons grading 0.030 opt (1.02 g/t) gold using a 0.013 opt (0.44 g/t)cut-off grade (*see below). Most of the historical drill holes were vertically oriented and completed via reverse circulation drilling that targeted disseminated mineralization and did not adequately test for potential high-grade feeder systems at depth.

*The historical estimate does not comply with CIM definition standards on Mineral Resources and Mineral Reserves as required by NI 43-101 and is not relevant to NI 43-101. The historical estimate was reported by Crown Resources Corporation in its 10-K annual report filed on April 1, 2002, with the SEC. The historical estimate was prepared prior to enactment of NI 43-101 and details of estimation methodology are not provided. A qualified person has not done sufficient work to classify the historical estimate as a current mineral resources or mineral reserves and the historical estimate is not considered reliable. The Company is not treating the historical estimate as current mineral resources or mineral reserves. Historical data available to the Company indicates drilling was completed on the Property subsequent to the historical estimate. The Company has not determined the full extent of work required to verify or upgrade the historical estimate as a current mineral resource, however, initial steps could involve a review of the historical assay quality assurance/quality control (“QA/QC”) methods, inspection of available assay certificates and logs, and additional drilling and assaying.

The Royal Zone is situated approximately one (1) km south of the Crown Zone, with disseminated gold mineralization hosted in the same carbonate rocks as the Crown Zone. This permissive stratigraphy underlies much of the project area, providing additional opportunities for discovery. The most recent drilling at the Royal Zone was conducted by Geomark Exploration Ltd. in 2012 and 2013, with results including 1.1 g/t gold over 33.5 m in hole KC12-17, 1.0 g/t gold over 27.4 m in hole KC12-19, 1.54 g/t gold over 30.5 m in holeKC12-22, 1.27 g/t gold over 21.3 m in hole KC12-23, and 1.15 g/t gold over 27.4 m in hole KC12-24 (see for Pine Cliff Energy Ltd. AIF dated January 25, 2013 and March 21, 2013). Since 2013, the Kings Canyon project remained dormant in an oil and gas company’s portfolio until Kings Canyon Gold Corp. (wholly-owned subsidiary of Infield Minerals Corp.) entered into an option agreement in 2024.

Figure 2: 3D model showing historical drilling


Technical information on this website has been reviewed and approved by Andrea Diakow, P.Geo., a geological consultant and a Qualified Person as defined by National Instrument 43-101.

The potential quantity and grade of mineralization described herein is conceptual in nature as there has been insufficient exploration to define a mineral resource and it is uncertain if further exploration will result in targets being delineated as a mineral resourcecore samples collected by Geomark Exploration Ltd. in 2012 and 2013 were analysed by fire assay with an atomic absorption finish, with analysis completed by ALS Minerals in Reno, Nevada. ALS Global laboratories are independent and ISO/IEC-17025 accredited. For additional information on sample preparation, analysis and QA/QC, please refer to Pine Cliff Energy Ltd.’s Annual Information Form dated January 25, 2013 and March 21, 2013, which are available on The Company is relying on historical assay information provided by Pine Cliff Energy Ltd. and has not verified the accuracy of the information.

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Gold and silver company Nevada - Infield Minerals